Tuesday 21 July 2015

Treatment With The Help Of Fue Hair Transplant – At Reviva Clinic

There are several tricks and treatments are available to hide the hair fall and baldness. They may be not permanent solution of hair loss, but the FUE hair is considered as the permanent solution of baldness nowadays. The types of hair treatment and hiding tricks are I am writing below:
         By giving illusion of high growth of hair through hair cut
Most of the men wear such a hairstyle which gives the illusion of high growth and hide the thinning area of the scalp. There are so many hair salons are available, in which expert hairstylist can give a jaunty hairstyle to even those person who are suffering from thinning of hair.
      Usage of wigs and hairpieces
Few men and women use wigs and hairiipieces to hide their baldness over the scalp. There is such hair pieces are available in the cosmetic stores, which looks like the similar of the hairs on the scalp. However, this is not a permanent solution of baldness.
 Illusion through hair piece weaving
Most of the women prefer the technique of hair weaving to their natural hair; it is used to give the volume to the hair on the scalp. The hairs used for sewing would be natural or artificial hair.
The hair strands are sewn with the natural hair in this technique and the advantage is that they remain attached all the time evening during bathing. But, the disadvantage is that one should have to go through the procedure again and again with the new hair growth.FUE hair transplant at reviva clinic is also used to hide the thinning of hair.
There are some medication is also available for the people, who are suffering from the early stage of hair loss and hair thinning on the scalp. Mainly, two types of medication are available for the hair fall treatment oral and topical both described below.
1.       Finasteride (Propecia)
It is an oral medication method which helps to reduce the hair fall in men by curing  the problem with male sexual hormones, which produces male pattern baldness.The success rate of this medicine is good and it is prescribed for only three months by the physicians but in most of the cases hair loss re-occur after discontinuing the medicine.Therefore, this is also known as temporarily solution of baldness. Side effects occur with this medicine is described below:
                 Side effect occur with Finasteride
·         Increase of female hormones in male body, which can cause increase of male breast.
·         Itching and swelling can lead patient to the depression.
·         Getting difficulty in erection, painful ejaculation and pain in testicles.
·         Rashes in the skin, swelling in the lips and face.

2.       Minoxidil (Rogaine)
                         It is a topical method of medication and is directly applied on the scalp. It is noticed in the few patients that this method stimulate the hair follicles to grow new hairs on the scalp. These medicines are only prescribed for four months. There are some side effects noticed with this method are given below:
                      Side effects occur with Minoxidil
·         Sudden weight gain.
·         Inconvenience in breathing
·      Speed up in heart beats and chest pain.
·         Pain and swelling in face, abdomen and chest.

Thursday 9 July 2015

A Review On Hair Transplant Price

Modernization of the world and new lifestyle of people is putting a bad effect on the environment of nature that leads us to messing with lots of diseases. Increasing industries by disturbing the natural environment is responsible for the pollution and toxic gases. This pollution affects our body by all means every day. As, water used for everyday life is not hygienic and it is responsible to cause skin diseases and hair fall.
However, there are so many reasons of hair fall; it can be genetic or due to deficiency of the nutrition and pollution. At, the most of the people stick with taking junk foods that are increasing the possibility of getting nutrition deficient every day. According to the survey 50 % of women suffered with hair loss, noticed every day and 40 % of men affected by the hair loss at their early age of 40 and rest 60% people start getting bald in their age of 60.

Losing of 100 hair strands per day is considered as normal hair fall but out of 100,000 hair follicles. Most of the people think that alopecia can affect every man, but in reality it affects only one person out 100 people and it can be due to the heredity of hormonal changes. It is estimated that 85% of men who is a hair loss sufferer are using Minoxidil and 15 % of men are using Finasteride; these are medically approved medication to cure the hair loss.
Man rather than women seeking for hair transplantation, if 20% men go through the hair transplant then only 10% women also look forward to hair surgeries and rest don’t go through the hair transplantation due to fear of high hair transplant price at Revivaclinic. Let’s discuss about the cost, according to the cost analysis; the cost of hair surgeries depends upon per graft needed for surgeries.

The cost of FUE transplant in India is 45 INR per graft; whereas, in other countries it is far more than the India for example in the USA it is 3$/ per graft, in Europe it is  6euro/ graft, in it is 10 UAE AED/ per graft and in Singapore it is 6$ of Singapore. Therefore, from the above discussions it is cleared that the hair transplants costs in India is far lower than the various developed countries.
If you are from these countries or residing in these countries then you can analyze that how much you can save if you can plan a medical trip to India. However, there are lots of hair transplant clinics in India who provides the special arrangement for the international clients.