Friday 26 June 2015

Benefits of Considering FUE Hair Transplantation in India

If you are a UK based hair loss struggle, then it is a bad news for you that UK is not a good place for considering hair transplantation. Accepting the truth which I am revealing could be very difficult for you, but you would acquaint with the reality, when you will come across the spammer bloggers and clinics. There are various spammers are available on the internet who claims that they will give 100% results to you but in actual they don’t.
Well, it is very hard to identify the spammers on the internet but when you get concocted in their booty traps, it would be difficult for you to come out from that situation. They will trap you by assuring that you will look younger again. As we all know that UK is a developed country and the spammers use various technology to make fool of anyone. Even the cost of hair transplantation is expensive in the UK as the economy is higher in UK so it’s difficult for the middle class families to afford this treatment in UK.

However, there are various other western countries are available who provide this treatment with 100% good results but the problem with these is that, it costs too much in these countries. The hair transplant cost in India is comparatively lower than the other countries. The reason behind this is that economy is lower in India then the western countries so the transplant treatment costs lower than the western countries.
This is the specific reason people come to India for the hair surgeries but the another reason is also that India has also well expert cosmetic surgeon and patients from other countries are getting best results and heading out to India for surgery rather than other countries. The hair surgery clinics in India also offer best facility to the foreign patients to reduce the hassles during their travel. 
Reviva is a pioneer amongst various hair transplant clinic in India and it provide travel and stay facilities to their international clients. This clinic is serving various countries in the medical from the past eight years and accomplished a big reputation globally. While, there are various other such clinics who are well expert in performing FUE hair transplantation and giving best facilities. To get best service in India you can do more research on the Internet and regain your adolescence again in very reasonable rates with enjoying the trip to India as well.

Monday 22 June 2015

Stem Cell Method Can Gradually Replace Fue Hair Transplant Technique

I hope you all are aware of this new technology introduced by the U.S. team of scientists, if not then don’t worry I am going to write about new invention done by scientists here. They have invented a technique with which they are able to convert human stem cells into a type of cell that would initiate human hair growth. It seems that FUE hair transplant would be easily replaced by the new technique after few years in the future.
In this technique, stem cells would be transplanted into those areas of scalp where the mice lacking of hair follicles would be noticed. This technology is referred as cell-based treatment and easily stimulates the growth of hair on the scalp.

A type of hair loss named alopecia has affected numerous people; according to a rough survey 30% of women and 45% of men are suffering from alopecia, due to heredity in worldwide. Alopecia can be caused due to: xerasia, pollution, chemical based products, hormonal imbalance and heredity.
However, hair loss varies person to person; some people go fully bald and for some people hair loss is a reversible situation, they gain their hair again with the passage of time and by taking some medications. This invention can prove very effective for those person who suffers from excessive baldness, then ended up with transplantation procedure.
By keeping the necessity of permanent and better treatment of alopecia in mind, scientists have ruminate upon the idea of using stem cell to grow the hair again on scalp and cure the baldness for permanently to help the people who are widely affected by alopecia.
In this technique scientists have concentrated on embryonic cells that can be extracted from the early stage of mammalian embryos. They have used these cells to implant on the bald area of scalp to initiate hair growth because these cells have capability to grow a new cell in human body. It is discovered that these cell can easily accept the hair follicles without rejecting the tissues of the scalp during transplantation.

This method is estimated as the improvement over the FUE hair transplant technique to get more possible results in future. The lead scientist have ensure that the method of stem cell can bring revolution in the field  hair transplant medical industry and can provide numerous contribution in getting satisfactory results in hair transplants in future.

Thursday 11 June 2015

How much it cost to get the facial hair transplant in India?

Whenever we face some unwanted tragedies, unpleasant accidents and go through any bad medical conditions; it then later ended up with: patchy spots due to cuts in any part of the face, loss of hair due to burnt skin and thinning of brows and beard hairs. Have you ever gone through any of such situations and suffering from facial hair loss? Don’t worry now; facial hairs can be regained easily through the facial hair transplant in India.
Facial hair transplantations are cosmetic surgery and it is originally introduced to cure all type of facial hair problems. Women and men both can avail the opportunity to get facial hair on the balding spot of the face.
Men usually transplant their affected areas of hair the loss problem, which happened due to meeting an accident or cuts. The infected areas may be mustache, beard and eyebrow. Women often transplant their faded eyebrows or affected area of hair loss due to bad tragedies.
In the recent year, FUE method of facial hair transplant is also introduced in India. You can also go for a permanent solution for facial hair loss. In FUE method, some hair follicles from any part of the body are harvested and graft them on the affected part of the face. In this technique, every hair follicle is individually transplanted.

Types of facial hair transplant in India
1.       Eyebrows hair transplant
2.       Beard hair transplant
3.       Sideburn hair transplant
4.       Mustache hair transplant
All the treatment which is mentioned in above is now available in India. The hair follicles used for this procedure can be taken from any part of the body so it can also refer as body hair transplantation.
1.       Eyebrow hair transplant
In this technique, the lost hairs in the area of eyebrows are transplanted with the hair follicle used from the other area of body or scalp.
2.       Beard hair transplant
The men having a patchy dot in between his beard can go through the beard hair transplant and the same FUE method is used for this techniques.
3.        Sideburn hair transplant
Few men suffered from the hair loss problem in the sideburn area, they can also go through this hair transplantation.
4.       Mustache hair transplant
You may have also seen the gap between the mustaches of so many men due to cut in between them or natural. These can be recovered back through the hair transplantation procedure.

Monday 8 June 2015

3 Myths On FUE Hair Transplants And Its Real Facts

It’s obvious that, everyone wish for a longevity of their hair for whole life, but if they get to know that they are getting their scalp bald day by day; it makes them disappointed. Sometimes, people even lose their interest from grooming and even hanging out with friends; even the few people surround themselves under negativity and loneliness which affect them more and results ended up with depression and more hair loss.
Restrained yourself within an empty room is not the only solution. Of course, there are various solutions available for several problems. You need to just find out the only one appropriate solution according to your problem and need.
Mostly, people have various myths and views on FUE hair transplant surgery and stuck themselves within in their own thoughts and doubts. They never try to find out the solution and look forward to check and get information about reality. Well, you may have seen that only few one write real facts in their articles and blogs. So, don’t worry, here I am going to write each and every aspect about hair surgeries and their myths and facts. Here we go:

1.       Myth- FUE Transplant surgeries are expensive
Fact- At first, when you analyze the cost of FUE transplants in India; it will seem you, very expensive, because that will be list of total costs. Well, it is the fact that their rates are really high for a middle class person.
 But, hold on! It is better to spend only once rather than heading out here and there for many times to seek various solutions. I am sure you are getting me now, I mean to say that if you go with medication for your hair fall treatment you will end up with lots of time slot for medications and will spend lots of money with for various treatments.
 But, if you look for hair cosmetic surgery at once, you will spend for one time and it would give you a wonderful result. So, it will cost equivalent to medications cure to you, even it can more too. Beard transplant cost in India is lower than the other countries. So, one can get the advantage of this beautiful opportunity, without thinking much.

2.       Myth- After hair surgery, hair looks like artificial hair
Fact- Most of the people say and think that surgery will be recognizable after transplantation process. But, the fact is that FUE hair transplant technique makes very difficult to recognize the surgery its give the look of shaven hair after a few months of growth. Even, hair surgeon will not able to recognize that the person has gone through the surgery.
3.       Myth- Someone else’ hair is used for transplants
Fact- Never! During hair transplant surgery, hair color and structure should be similar to your existing hairs; hair follicles used for this are the hair follicles could be taken from any part of the body it can be either backside of head or chest and legs.